Estrogen - Revive Hormone Specialists

Estrogen is one of the key *sex hormones* that contribute to the development and regulation of the *female reproductive system*. Estrogen plays an important role in the development of secondary *sex characteristics* in females during puberty such as breast growth, distribution of body fat, and maturation of reproductive organs. There are three main types of estrogen:

What Does Estrogen Do?

Estrogen performs a variety of functions in the female body including:

As women approach menopause, their ovarian production of estrogen decreases significantly. This often leads to uncomfortable menopausal symptoms like hot flashes, vaginal dryness, trouble sleeping, and emotional changes.

Many women take prescription estrogen therapy during menopause to help relieve their symptoms. We provide customized natural hormone therapy for women going through all stages of life after puberty at Revive Hormone Specialists clinic. Our formulations help women regain hormonal balance, health and zest for life.

Estrogen Imbalances

Abnormal estrogen levels can negatively impact a woman's menstrual cycles, fertility, menopausal symptoms, and overall health:

Get your estrogen levels tested at our hormone optimization clinic Revive Hormone Specialists. Our doctors will thoroughly evaluate your lab tests, symptoms and health goals to determine if you'll benefit from customized hormone replacement therapy. We provide science-based natural treatments to help women overcome estrogen imbalance issues across various life stages.

Feel free to ( for an initial consultation. We look forward to helping you optimize your estrogen levels and enhance your femininity, vitality and inner/outer beauty!

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