Fatigue - Revive Hormone Specialists

Fatigue is defined as an overwhelming sense of tiredness, lack of energy, and feeling of exhaustion. It can have physical or mental causes. We all experience fatigue at some point from our busy modern lifestyles. However, prolonged or chronic fatigue can indicate an underlying health condition. There are two main types of fatigue:

Common causes of fatigue include lack of sleep, poor diet, vitamin deficiencies, anemia, thyroid disorders, depression, cancer, and side effects of medication. Fatigue can also simply be caused by overexertion and pushing ourselves too hard physically and mentally day after day without adequate rest. Symptoms of fatigue include lack of energy, muscle weakness, headaches, irritability, difficulties concentrating, reduced work performance, lack of motivation, yawning, mood changes, memory problems, and more. If you suffer from unrelenting fatigue lasting over a month with no explanation, it is best to get checked out by your doctor. Blood tests can determine if you have any vitamin deficiencies or thyroid issues. Underlying chronic illnesses may also be investigated. Treatment for fatigue involves identifying and addressing the root cause, whether that's improper sleep hygiene, dietary issues, mental health conditions, or other medical problems. Lifestyle changes to reduce stress, exercise appropriately, improve diet, and prevent burnout can all help combat general fatigue. Sometimes medications or supplements are warranted as well. At Revive Hormone Specialists, we specialize in hormone balancing services to help clients regain their energy, focus, and vibrancy. Hormonal imbalances often manifest in symptoms like fatigue, especially in perimenopause and menopause. We provide customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy tailored to your unique needs, with compounds like testosterone for fatigue. Contact us today for a consultation! Here are some key takeaways on fatigue: I aimed to clearly define fatigue, describe major types and causes, list key symptoms, advise when to seek medical care, overview standard treatment, and highlight how hormonal imbalances can be a factor while organically working in a pitch for Revive Hormone Specialists services. Let me know if you would modify or add anything!

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