Hormonal disorders - Revive Hormone Specialists

What are hormonal disorders?

Hormones are essential chemical messengers that regulate many critical bodily functions. Hormonal disorders occur when there are abnormalities in the levels of hormones circulating throughout the body, leading to disruption of normal physiological processes. Some key things to know about hormonal disorders:

Endocrine glands like the thyroid, adrenal glands, and pancreas secrete hormones into the bloodstream. These hormones travel to tissues and organs all over the body and bind to receptors, triggering responses. When hormone levels are too high or low, this can cause systemic issues.

Some common hormonal disorder symptoms include fatigue, weight changes, hot flashes, hair loss, reproductive issues, cognitive changes, and headaches. Symptoms can vary dramatically based on the specific glands and hormones affected.

Hormonal disorders range from thyroid disorders like hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism, to reproductive disorders like polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and abnormal uterine bleeding. There are also adrenal disorders like Cushing's syndrome, metabolic disorders like diabetes, and various pituitary gland disorders.

Contributing factors depend on the condition, but may include genetics, autoimmune disorders, tumors, injury to endocrine glands, menopause, infections, poor diet, and high stress levels.

Diagnosis typically involves blood tests of hormone levels as well as medical imaging tests. Treatment aims to replace deficient hormones or block excess hormone production. This may include medications, supplements, surgery, or lifestyle changes.

Managing hormonal disorders can be challenging, with symptoms sometimes persisting long-term even with treatment. Working closely with an endocrinologist - a doctor specializing in hormones - is important. Getting regular lab testing to ensure hormone levels are optimized within treatment ranges is also key.

If you're struggling with possible hormonal issues like fatigue, menstrual irregularities, sexual dysfunction, or inexplicable weight changes, please reach out to our caring team at Revive Hormone Specialists clinic. We specialize in precision testing and natural balancing of hormones for men and women.

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