Low growth hormone - Revive Hormone Specialists

Low growth hormone, or growth hormone deficiency, occurs when the pituitary gland does not produce enough growth hormone. Growth hormone is essential for growth and development, especially in children and adolescents. Some signs and symptoms of low growth hormone may include:

In children, growth hormone deficiency can significantly impact height and is usually treated with synthetic growth hormone injections to help reach a normal height. Treatment is typically continued until the child reaches their full adult height potential. For adolescents and adults, treatment with synthetic human growth hormone may help manage symptoms associated with the deficiency. However, long-term use can lead to side effects. Careful medical supervision is required. If you suspect low growth hormone based on symptoms, make an appointment with your doctor right away. They can run blood tests to check IGF-1 and growth hormone levels and help determine if you have a deficiency. Proper diagnosis is key before considering treatment options. An endocrinologist who specializes hormonal conditions can also provide advanced testing and care. For example, Revive Hormone Specialists has top experts in adult growth hormone deficiency. They take a comprehensive approach to testing, treatment and ongoing health monitoring for hormone imbalances like low GH. With clinics across the country, they make it easier to access leading endocrinologists and individualized treatment plans. In summary, low growth hormone or GH deficiency is when the pituitary gland does not make enough growth hormone. It can impact height in kids and cause symptoms like less energy and muscle mass in teens/adults. Diagnosis involves checking IGF-1 and GH blood levels. Treatment may require synthetic growth hormone injections with careful medical monitoring. Reaching out to an endocrinology clinic can help if GH deficiency is suspected.

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