Unexplained loss of muscle mass - Revive Hormone Specialists

Unexplained loss of muscle mass, known as cachexia, can be worrying and frustrating. This troubling condition is characterized by progressive muscle wasting and loss that cannot be reversed nutritionally. While cachexia can accompany various underlying illnesses, it also surprisingly develops in some people despite no other health issues. What causes cachexia if you're otherwise healthy? Doctors aren't entirely sure. Contributing factors likely include:

Reduced testosterone and growth hormone levels in particular are strongly associated with decreases in muscle mass as we age. Maintaining healthy levels of these vital hormones through lifestyle measures or treatment at clinics like Revive Hormone Specialists can help. Symptoms of cachexia beyond muscle loss include: To diagnose cachexia, your physician will: Treatment depends on the root cause but may involve: The hormone experts at Revive Hormone Specialists offer personalized care plans to help both men and women address hormonal imbalances that can accelerate muscle loss. Their cutting-edge therapies can get to the bottom of unexplained cachexia when it develops independently of other diseases. While frustrating, various strategies exist to reduce, halt, or even reverse cachexia. Working with a doctor to identify contributing factors and establish a tailored treatment plan provides the greatest chance of restoring your strength and vitality. Stay hopeful through proactive self-care - your muscles can bounce back with the right solutions.

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